Green Beans with Turkey Tails and Potatoes Recipes

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Trap Kitchen


  • Minced garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 qt of chicken broth (with 2 cups of water)
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Seasoning salt
  • Pepper
  • Cajun seasoning
  • 2 habanero peppers
  • ½ bottle of habanero pepper sauce
  • 2 smoked turkey necks
  • 2 bags of fresh picked greens
How to Make It
  1. If you prefer canned or fresh green beans, it's up to you. Get a saute pan or pot whichever you prefer to cook the green beans in . You can use olive oil or vegetable oil just to coat the pan. Dice up the bell peppers, the onions and the turkey tails.
  2. Make sure the green beans are snapped and clean. Some people leave the ends on, some people don't. It don't really mater what you do. Cook it to you preference. Personally, we like to cook them until they damn near bust open. But for this, you can use French cut and you won't ever have a trip. Set those to the side.
  3. For those that don't pork on their fork, you can add bacon grease here too. You damn near don't even gotta use no seasonings when you put that shit in there. It be so bomb! Even though we're cooking turkey, we got bacon grease in there! But it's optional. That's all on you, bruh.
  4. As you‘re sautéing the ingredients, add the seasoning in bit by bit. Sauté them until the turkey tails start turning soft. Continue to season them as they get softer. Then you add your chicken broth in there, put a top over it and let it come to a boil. Then you throw in your green beans and your diced potatoes.
  5. You can use golden potatoes or you can use baby red potatoes. You can cook those for like 45 minutes on medium heat. Bring them to a boil and you let them simmer. Then add it all together and it’s good!

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