Fried eggs with tomato and Chinese chives recipe

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  • Yield: 4 Servingsas part of multicourse meal


  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 2 tablespoons high-heat cooking oil
  • 3 large eggs, cracked into a bowl, keeping yolks intact
  • 1 ripe tomato, sliced into wedges
  • 1 small bunch Chinese chives, cut into 2-in (5-cm) lengths
How to Make It
  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the oyster sauce and water and set aside.
  2. Set a large frying pan (nonstick is best) over high heat. When a bead of water sizzles upon contact and evaporates, add the oil and swirl to coat. Turn the heat to medium and add the eggs. Fry until the edges are crisp, the egg whites firm but the yolks still runny (sunny side up). If you want, you can tilt the pan and use a long handled spoon to spoon up some of the cooking oil and pour it on top of the eggs to cook them more quickly.
  3. Carefully slide the eggs onto a plate, keeping as much oil in the pan as possible and return the pan to the stovetop on high heat. There should still be some oil left in the pan. Add the tomato wedges and the chives to the pan and let fry until the tomatoes are just warmed through and the chives wilted. Spoon the tomatoes and chives on top of the eggs. Return the same pan to the stovetop on medium heat and pour in the oyster sauce and water mixture. Let the sauce simmer for 30 seconds and drizzle on top of the dish.

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