German Pork ’n Cabbage Casserole recipe

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  • Yield: 6 Servings (1 rib and 1 cup vegetable mixture each)


  • 3 slices bacon
  • 6 country-style pork ribs
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon salt
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon pepper
  • 5 cups coleslaw mix (from 16-oz bag)
  • 1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)
  • 1 can (8 oz) sauerkraut, drained
  • 1 apple, chopped
  • 1 cup julienne-cut carrots (from 10-oz bag)
  • 3⁄4 cup apple cider
  • 1 teaspoon caraway seed
How to Make It
  1. Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 1339-inch (3-quart) glass baking dish with cooking spray. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, cook bacon until crisp; remove from skillet and crumble into small bowl.
  2. Sprinkle ribs with salt and pepper. In bacon drippings, cook ribs over high heat 3 to 4 minutes, turning once, until brown. Place ribs in baking dish, reserving drippings in skillet.
  3. In same skillet, cook coleslaw mix and onion over medium heat about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened and wilted. Remove from heat. Add bacon, sauerkraut, apple, carrots, cider and caraway seed; mix well. Spoon on top of ribs.
  4. Cover with foil; bake 30 to 45 minutes or until pork is tender and no longer pink next to bones.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1
Nutritional Value Per Serving
280 kcal
Calories from Fat:
117 kcal
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
13 g
Saturated Fat
4.5 g
Trans Fat
0.0 g
60 mg
610 mg
18 g
Dietary Fiber
4 g
21 g
* Above mentioned %DVs (Percent Daily Values) are based on 2,000 calorie food intake.

DVs (Daily values) may be vary depending upon individuals daily calorie needs. Above nutritional values are estimates and should only be used as a guide for approximation. They are not recommendations. Calculations are based on average weight of 194 lbs. and ages of 19 to 50 years.

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